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Trap Location

Scout for Pig Activity

The site at which wild pig damage has occurred is not always the best location for a trap. Wild pigs often spend much of their time in shaded areas of thick cover close to a water source. Therefore, river and creek bottoms and other low-lying areas should be scouted first for activity. Locating traps along travel routes leading to and from these loafing and staging areas will result in greater catch opportunities. Although this point may seem obvious, many would-be trappers make the mistake of selecting areas where they think pigs should be and not where the pigs actually are. View pictures of pig sign.

Bait to Attract Pigs

Once you have located an area with abundant pig sign, do not immediately set up your trap. Instead, establish a baited “scouting site” to determine whether or not wild pigs are actively using the area. You can help attract wild pigs to your bait site by topping the bait with sorghum molasses, a similar sweet smelling syrup, or commercial bait topper. Another option is to use fermented corn. Revisit the site daily to determine if pigs have found the bait.

Establish Multiple Sites

Depending on the size of your property and the distance between locations with recent pig activity, you may want to establish several of these scouting sites to determine which locations pigs are actively using. Once you have identified an active location, set up a trap and begin prebaiting.

Where to Set Up the Trap

Wherever possible, establish your trap site

  • on fairly level ground
  • in a shaded area upwind of bedding and loafing areas
  • in locations with vehicle access

Ensuring vehicle access close to the trap site will save time and labor in constructing, baiting, and checking the trap, and also in removing pig carcasses from the trap.